A wonderful thing happened as me and my family enjoyed the fullfillment of an overstuffed stomach and the wonderful warmth the indoors provided. It snowed!!!
To many of you out there, this might not seem like that much of an amazing thing--and it usually isn't--but it was today because me and my family reside in New Orleans where snow isn't even a thought. Go figure, Christmas 2004 brought on an unseen possibilty. It was so great! Me and my cousins ran outside like it was snowing money! I couldn't stop laughing! I actually was filled with joy. Yep folks, I said joy! I stared straight into the sky to see an awesome sight; All that was before me was a bluish-white backdrop with dancing dots! It was great! The last time it snowed was back in '89 and for some reason I don't remember the action of it snowing--probably because mom wouldn't let me and my brother go out until it stopped--but all I remmeber is playing in the residue it left. It didn't leave snow in which snowballs and snowmen are made of, but this watery, dirty slush. Sorta like what would be left of your dreams and aspirations as it begun to fall apart.
I wanted so badly to get a picture of the snow falling but ufortunatly mom didn't bring the camera. So I wished beyond wishes that it would remain this way for only 20 more minutes till we got home. But alas, this is New Orleans,so snow falls only as long as one could hold his breath; on the trip home the snow became sleet, which is not very fun to play in.
But I shall always try to remember Christmas 2004 and how it snowed and how I laughed and how I froze my damn fingers off because I didn't have any gloves on.
Happy Christmas!!!
4:38 PM
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