
You Can Never have enough!!!

Blogs, that is!!

Due to a current self revelation, I'm going to start keeping a camera with me and snatching some shots where I can. I had a little fun this past Wednesday. Check out my new blog, snatchshots.

I'll always give y'all a shot out to uture updates, just in case ya don't feel like bookmarking it!


Stacey said...

Just a wee quick suggestion...


"Snatch" is a derogatory term for female genitalia. Maybe another name?

Cuz I love ya and all...

angie. said...

What's ironic about your, um, suggestion, is that while you were appently teaching me a new word, you were teaching others a new word, hence forth furthering the use of that lovely derogatorial name.


Oh well....Back to the drawing board I's go.