"Would you like to be interviewed by the Webkahunah?" was asked some time ago now. I really don't remember since my brain hasn't exactly been working exactly like it used to, but if it is that much of a concern for you, you could always go check out his site.
Anyway, getting back to what he asked, I answered back that I wanted to be interviewed. Who wouldn't? I mean, it's tons of fun to interact and write and just all and all discover more about your own self by making your brain work. And I guess he sorta agreed in his own way cause he posted these questions and I have answered them. I hope you enjoy learning a little bit more about moi. Bon Appetite! hmm, I wonder if I even spelled that right?
Five questions for JavaFooFoo:
- You've died and gone to heaven, there is a god, and you go to have a chat with him. What do you hope he says about/to you?
"WELCOME! I hope you enjoyed your extremely long life on earth and I hope you enjoy your time here in Heaven. Sorry about the crap I threw at you down on earth, but C'est le vie, you knew how it was! There's a good number of folk who've been waiting quite some time to meet you, so enough with this chit-chat and why don't you tour the place!"
- What do you consider to be the craziest thing you've ever done?
I prefer not to share what that is...actually, who cares anymore. Way back in college, about 7 years ago now, I did cocaine. I was totally lucky that nothing bad happened from it, and I totally don't recommend people doing what I did. Luck only runs so far, and someone in my epileptic state shouldn't risk playing with those type of matches!
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
As badly as I would love to be about 6 inches taller, have perfect vision, and just a tad less "voluptoulas", I'll keep all that anyday with not one single complaint if I could be seizure free. I wouldn't wish epilepsy on any enemy of mine.
- If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Oooh!....Superspeed! Not only would I have the ability to go any where I want in the blink of an eye, but I would have the metabolism to boast with it! Sweet! Super-fit, super-thin, super-fast FooFoo!
- If you could go back in time and undo one action, what would it be and why?
Now this is a really hard one. Mainly because I can barely remember what happened yesterday, henceforth what happened in the past 24 years of my life. The one thing, though, that keeps popping back in my head is a reaction I had back when I was about 8 years old. You see, when I was a kid, I was picked on a lot for being, um, sensitive. I went to this summer camp, the first one in which I went away for a week, this all-girl camp, and the one little group of girls just picked on me the whole time. To add insult to injury, they faked a apology at the end of the week. They ended up picking a sponsor of their group to come up to me and say how sorry they were for picking on me, will I ever forgive them, blah, blah, blah and BAM! She pulls down my shorts in front of the whole camp, like about 25 girls at the time, including the some teen-age counselors. Of course, you can imagine my 8 year old reaction.
So the point of this story was that if I could undo one action, I wouldn't have cried, I would've started my first fight and showed them my "forgiveness"!! Hmph, kinda funny how its been over 15 years ago and I still remember that like it was yesterday.
Okay, now as per requested, if anyone would like me to interview them, please post a request that simply says "interview me" and I'll throw five queations at you. You must then post those five questions up on your blog along with the answers and this same request thrown out at your readers for you to Interveiw somebody. And have a nice day!
1 comment:
Say foofoo, do you remember any of their names? It's never too late for some serious revenge. let me know if you want to track these girls down and "bring it".
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