
Never Blame the Customer: Part I

Okay, y'all, humor me.

If you can, please visit the following link: Half.com

Now, take a good look at it. Tell me what I bought. Yep, it's that easy. Yep, I am going somewhere with this, but for now, bare with me.

I'll let you know what this is all leading to, soon. Well, as soon as, you know, you humor me!!


Unknown said...

I'll bite. You bought (or at least tried to, I suspect) a copy of "Frankenstein". Where's my golden star?

Stacey said...

Uhm, a book? Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein?"

"THE" Rob Cerio said...

Definately a paperback book I would have been glad to lend you just to help clear some of the older stuff off my bookshelf.

hey... my word verification says "jewjzhx" is blogger subliminaly anti-semetic or something?