
New Blog!!

It's done! It's finished! Finis'! Completed! Sound the trumpets, ring the bells!

Mediaddiction* is open for business!
*powered by blogger

I know I've been away for llike, forever, but there has been a reason behind the madness I'm going through. Actually two. And none of it bad!!! I've been getting situated with a new job for five days a week and my two days at work have me at school, which I so can't wait to be over. Foofoo needs rest...badly!

Though in the meantime, if you experiance any king of addiction to books, magazines, movies, televison or art (, mediumma) please, drop by mediaddiction *.
*link soon to be pasted here...as soon as this blog allows me..grrrr....YEAH! As of, um, hours after this original post I was able to create a link out of it so it doesn't matter that the previous star says soon to be posted here!!

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